A brief about the weavers

The Traditional Dress Making and Embroidery Cluster, Kokrajhar is an age old naturally developed cluster.
The weavers of the cluster are performing their weaving and artistic activity for commercial point of view.

Manila Mashahary (Village-Dolegaon)

She is so thankful to MSME govt. for providing them the improved Machinery and working space. Earlier she used to weave through normal traditional looms but now she is using their improved looms, with these looms she is able to weave in time and produce more. She also shared that with the training received under the project, she is able make designs through the jacquard card.

JharnaMashahary (Village-Dolegaon)

She is involved with the cluster since very long. She shared that with the facilities received under the project, they can produce products like blowse, eri stole, cushion cover, bed sheet, mekhela chadar and shawls with new designs. She also shares that with the income from the weaving activities, she can contribute to the household expenditure.


Impact Benefit of Artisan (Income/technology) Social & Joint Action institution Market Linkage, Standard of Living

After the implementation of the project the artisans can easily find the sustainability of livelihood and they are more aware towards the skill and social mobility.The artisans are technically upgraded after the implementation of sfurti.The artisans now weave or spine the thread in so less time rather than before. They can also use the machines and weave their products. The technological impact brings more capability towards their income and production.The post intervention period brings more helpful to the artisans because in these-pandemic the artisans could not sale their products out of home so the SPV collected their products and store it in market outlets of CFC.